

Dit is wat onze klanten zeggen over werken met The Sourcing Network.


The Sourcing Network was asked to lead the complex insourcing of a large part of our Network Operations activities. A new, 180 FTE, organization had to be built for which new resources were recruited and trained and staff from the incumbent service provider was transferred in. And all of this within the fixed timeframe of 7 months.

With 3 clear objectives as constant compass (prevent service dip, respectful and professional behavior to incumbent and meet the December 31st deadline), Addie designed a very pragmatic approach with his team. Focus on key activities (“no nice to haves”), strong risk management and straightforward communication have been the ingredients to meet all objectives and finish on time. Quite an achievement…!

Bouke Hoving

Executive Vice President Networks & IT at KPN, Dutch CIO 2017, European CIO 2018

Over the last years I have worked with The Sourcing Network on a variety of projects. This collaboration is based on a swift build of trust. Trust which is based on a number of simple (but for many hard to realize) principles: maximum transparency, people focused, results oriented and a large variety of in-depth knowledge.

The many projects The Sourcing Network has delivered for me (in my various roles) have always been in the area of complex in-/outsourcing projects, supplier relationships and challenging transition.

It’s the in-depth knowledge, working attitude and strong network that makes The Sourcing Network an important partner for us.

Paul Slot

Executive Vice President Infrastructure at KPN

After a careful tender process, we have outsourced our operational and (mid)tactical activities to three external parties. The Sourcing Network, led by Erik Snijder, has successfully prepared and coordinated the transfer of these activities. Directly from the start it was clear that this was a complex process that comprised the transfer of activities of around 150 professionals in a 24/7 mission critical airport environment. No downtime possible. At the same time Schiphol Telematics itself transformed its retained organisation. Besides the extensive outsourcing knowledge, I especially appreciate the talent of maintaining a constant overview in a dynamic context, working towards fact-based decision making and always focussed on the personal consequences of such an intensive change. One month after the preparation of the transfer started, Covid hit in. This meant we faced an unexpected, additional complexity. Nevertheless, the transfer was finished conform plan and without operational downtime. Thanks, Erik and team!

Klaas Verberg

Managing Director Schiphol Telematics

The Sourcing Network was able to translate and apply expertise and experiences, mostly built at larger organization, to our specific situation. Their analysis was ‘spot-on’, there was no room for compromise on quality and the results delivered were very pragmatics and could be directly applied. Absolute value for money!

Rob Kremers 

IT Directeur at Hendrix Genetics

After successfully delivering a complex IT transition we asked The Sourcing Network to support us on a number of internal changes. Through his extensive experience as a people manager Addie supported us to deliver these changes, always seeking the win-win. Next to that he provided very valuable feedback to senior management which shows he’s an excellent management coach.

Luc Schillebeeckx

IT Development Director at Base Company